Andrew Boza

Angular Elements: Use your fancy SPA components from your not-so-fancy MPA

Description: Recently, my team built a fancy new Angular component that customers decided they needed everywhere. Of course, only a fraction of the places they wanted this new component in were built with Angular, so what could we do? Temper customer expectations? Rebuild this component in at least two different technologies? Thankfully, there was another option. I'm going to show you how you can use Angular Elements to drop Angular components into a web app using any technology with a sample ASP.NET MVC application.

ASP.NET Core SignalR and SignalR Service

Description: SignalR is Microsoft’s solution for providing real-time functionality to applications, and it’s been rebuilt for .NET Core as ASP.NET Core SignalR. I will introduce you to SignalR and the web technologies behind it. Then we’ll add real-time functionality to a collaborative tool with React and ASP.NET Core SignalR and scale it automagically through the power of Azure with SignalR Service. Finally, I’ll show you how to leverage SignalR Service without ASP.NET Core with Azure Functions.